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Whiten Your Smile And Help A Child

Announcing Our 2013 Smiles For Life Children’s Charities Campaign!

March through June, professionally whiten your smile here in our dental practice and 100% of the proceeds go to children’s charities!

When you have your smile professionally whitened during the Smiles For Life campaign, you also change children’s lives. How? We are proud to be part of the Smiles For Life campaign which raises funds through teeth whitening for seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged children—both locally and around the world.

Here’s How It Works:

  1. We donate our time.
  2. Philips Oral Health Care donates the materials.
  3. Your smile gets professionally whitened.
  4. 100% of your contribution goes directly to kids in need.

Here’s How YOU Can Help Kids In Need:

1. Make a whitening appointment with us to whiten your smile!

2. Help us spread the word! Whether you choose to have your own smile whitened or not, you can make a HUGE difference for seriously ill and underserved children around the world by simply sharing this opportunity on your trusted social networks such as Facebook!

Thanks for helping us make a difference in children’s lives!

St. Mary's Dental
28160 Old Village Rd Mechanicsville, MD 20659
| 301-884-3248


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