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Don’t Let Anxiety Keep You From Getting Implants

Oral Conscious Sedation

Millions of Americans cope with dental anxiety. They’ll tense up just thinking about an ordinary exam; the idea of a more complicated procedure, like a dental implant, can send their stress level through the roof. Sedation dentistry from St. Mary’s Dental in Mechanicsville can get them through it.

Dental implants are actually a rather straightforward procedure. A titanium post (the actual implant) is inserted into the jaw, where it gradually fuses with the bone. Once that happens it becomes a solid foundation for an artificial tooth.

Placing the titanium post may be rather straightforward, but for some patients, the thought is almost unbearable. Sedation can get them through it.

We offer two types: nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation.

  •  Nitrous Oxide. Also called laughing gas, it has been a go-to sedation in dentistry for more than a hundred years. That’s because it works quickly, wears off quickly, and most important, is effective.
  • IV Sedation. As the name implies, this is administered intravenously. Most patients stay awake during IV sedation, but in a much deeper state of relaxation than with oral conscious sedation. An escort is required for this, too.

A dental implant from St. Mary’s Dental in Mechanicsville can make a huge difference in your life, and sedation dentistry can help. Patients from North Waldorf, East Huntingtown, and South Laplata know they can trust us with their smiles. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Contact St. Mary’s Dental:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

28169 Old Village Rd
Mechanicsville, Maryland

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St. Mary's Dental
28160 Old Village Rd Mechanicsville, MD 20659
| 301-884-3248


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